07951 499 880
March 21 - April 20
This is the time to listen to your intuition, to take a break from the hectic pace of your life, and to reflect on what you have learned in the past year. A good time to retreat a little and make time for yourself now. Your physical energy levels are low, and this is your body telling you to take a break. Good time to take up yoga and meditation.
April 21 - May 21
With Mars transit in your sign, you have great energy and you are more enterprising. Take charge of your life, but don't step on other people’s toes. This is an excellent transit for assertiveness and physical vitality. Love affairs may also be stepped up during this period. Be careful as through recklessness accidents can occur.
May 22 - June 21
With Mars moving through your solar twelfth house, this is the time to research and reflect upon your goals. Some may experience insomnia during this phase, especially if they are not relaxing. This is in fact a good time to identify the true source of problems. Many of you will be making changes in your careers reflecting the principles closest to your heart.
June 22 - July 22
Mars is energizing your solar eleventh house now. Group activities and cooperative efforts are the best way to achieve your goals. Avoid allowing the ego to attempt to dominate others. The best way to achieve your goals during this period is to work as a team, or to at least to do some networking.
July 23 - August 23
The Sun continues to highlight your solar eighth house. Your attention turns inward, as well as to close personal relationships on a deeper level. This is also a good time for sorting out joint resources. Mars in your solar tenth house stimulates your ambition and you are likely to have an increased desire for others to notice you.
August 24 - September 23
You'll be dealing with relationship matters, and especially commitments, for some time to come. Mars entering your house of travel could stimulate a desire to explore and widen your horizons. A sense of accomplishment comes your way regarding work and health, as you feel more structured and organised.
September 24 - October 23
The Sun and mercury highlight your solar sixth house. This is a period that finds you tending to your daily routines, and health matters. You seek to perfect your skills and as a result, you can be more critical than usual, but this process is necessary for you to sort out what works for you and what doesn't. Romance is in the air as some of you will be getting engaged or married.
October 24 - November 22
It's a good time for recreation, romance, connecting with children, and enjoying creative arts. Mars energizes and animates your solar seventh house. Partnerships may suffer from ego conflicts, or opposition from others may be challenging. Use the extra energy that Mars brings to work cooperatively on relationship problems.
November 23 - December 21
An inner sense of security and the desire for peace motivates you now. Your affections are strong, preferring quiet moments with loved ones. Mars energizes your solar sixth house. It's a great time to take up healthy regimes. As you have much energy, it would be wise to find little projects and things to do so that you can channel this energy positively.
December 22 - January 20
Pursuit of pleasure increases and you are more inclined to take the initiative in affairs of the heart. Brilliant energy is with you, take advantage of this phase and make changes in your life where required. This is especially a passionate time for you - be careful not to burn the candle at both ends. Cash flow is still restrictive.
January 21 - February 19
The Sun and Mercury continue to transit your solar second house. This is the most "financial" period for you. You might have a more materialistic view of life for the time being, or increased interest in your own possessions, during this cycle. This is a time to keep within your "comfort zones" - you value the tried and tested. At home be diplomatic as rows can erupt.
February 20 - March 20
The Sun and Mercury continue to move through your solar first house. You experience a renewal of energy and vitality now, and the emphasis is on self-expression. Physically, you are feeling strong. This is an excellent cycle for any self-improvement endeavours. Personal projects that you begin now are likely to blossom as time goes on.