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Full Moon in Gemini & Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

Writer's picture: Sneh JoshiSneh Joshi

The last Full Moon of 2021 on the 19th December occurs in the sign of Gemini. The Full Moon takes place just two days before the solstice, which falls on December 21st 2021. When these two astronomical events happen so close, the Full Moon is called the Solstice Moon.

Just a few hours after the Full Moon, Venus begins her retrograde journey in the sign of Capricorn conjunct Pluto until March 2022. During this time, we will reassess the way we have been shaping our life and we are likely to undergo deep and lasting inner changes. These will include our values, financial situation, love, and social life. We will review and reconsider our boundaries.


March 21 - April 20

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions and there is often some drama involved with where it occurs in our charts. This affects your solar 3rd and 9th houses of communication, travel and spiritual knowledge. It is a sobering influence and you need to be aware that you have to overcome certain hurdles before you achieve your goals. Don't be in any hurry to meet deadlines. It signals a time of mixed emotions. With Venus retrograde, transiting your career sector, you will want to re-assess whether you are spending too much time at work. Time to create a better work-life balance.


April 21 - May 21

The Full Moon today can bring strong awareness of a money or resources matter needing your attention. Be careful with your expenditure as you have a tendency to be extravagant, especially as the Full Moon affects your financial axis. This is an excellent time for dealing with long-term money matters. As Venus is retrograde in your Solar 9th house, be extremely careful as an argument over personal philosophies of life can get you into hot water. You may find yourself hard at work behind the scenes, although that may not be apparent to others. You may find yourself caught up in a whirlwind of activity, with opportunities to advance on both the inner and outer level.


May 22 - June 21

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions and there is often some drama involved with where it occurs in our charts. The focus will be on yourself and your relationships, bringing buried feelings to the surface. You are likely to experience some tension in close relationships. Relationship goals or a particular person in your life is the focus for your change. Use tact and diplomacy to smooth any ruffled feathers. Venus Retrograde cycle occurs in your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. Avoid arguments with loved ones that revolve around intimacy and sexuality. You could also be dealing with past actions or karma. It's time to redefine what it is that you want out of life.


June 22 - July 22

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions - while physical health and wellness are in strong focus, you will realise your emotional well being is just as important. This Full Moon is in the axis of your 12th and 6th houses. This signifies that experience will put you in a deeply reflective mood and get you interested in meditation, yoga and therapies that help you to get in closer touch with your inner self. Venus has gone into retrograde motion for some time to come. This is going to be a time of frustration and re-assessment. It’s all about cultivating patience until the planet goes direct. This is evident mainly in the arena of relationships, but it could also flow over into business partnerships and joint ventures.


July 23 - August 23

The Full Moon today affects your 11th and 5th houses . This Full Moon puts you in touch with a social matter that needs special attention. You will be busy evaluating your friendships, romances and spending a lot of time with children or reassessing your investments. Emotions can be intense around a Full Moon, and it's best to be calm and keep everything manageable. Once you set your mind on a goal you stay the course no matter what obstacles you encounter. Venus Retrograde cycle occurs in your sixth house of work, health, and daily routines. The social aspect of relationships on the job may be strained for the time being. Do your best to not let people get to you. The desire to get on with people around you is very strong in this period.


August 24 - September 23

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions and there is often some drama involved with where it occurs in our charts. For Virgo it affects your 10th and 4th houses. It can be a time of commitments to your long-term goals, work and home related.. You need to strike the right balance between the two, if you want peace and harmony. Work smartly in order to spend quality time at home. The Venus Retrograde transit falls in your fifth house of romance, speculation, and children. Do not get into arguments with a lover or take risks with gambling. You shouldn't jump to conclusions if your lover needs a little space. An old lover may resurface in your life, complicating matters further.


September 24 - October 23

Around the Full Moon, you may have an opportunity to expand your horizons, whether it means venturing out, growing your reach through publishing and promotion, or broadening your mental horizons. The Full Moon affects your solar 9th and 3rd houses, affecting travel and communications. Decision making will prove to be a bit of a bind because of your wavering mind - seek professional advice and then steam ahead. Your ruling planet Venus goes retrograde in your 4th house of home and family. Relations with your family may be a little strained. The right time to express your frustrations would be when Venus is direct as there could be more problems.


October 24 - November 22

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions and there is often some drama involved with where it occurs in our charts. The Full Moon falls in your financial axis of solar 8th and 2nd houses, highlighting wills, legacies, alimony, taxes and joint resources. You need to reassess your future with this in mind. Do not get over-anxious if everything seems to be in slow motion - it is time to pull a few strings and wait until you've gained some perspective before jumping to conclusions. Venus Retrograde cycle occurs in your third house of communication, siblings, and neighbours. You may find that communications are very difficult and that you do not get the response that you are looking for.


November 23 - December 21

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions and there is often some drama involved with where it occurs in our charts. This affects your solar 7th and 1st houses. This can change your standing in the community and any relationships you may have. It reminds you to honour a significant relationship or to work on your relationship goals. Focus on essentials and establish a solid foundation. Venus Retrograde cycle occurs in your second house of money and values. Take the time and reassess your sources of income and how you spend your cash during this period, and avoid making any big purchases until much later.


December 22 - January 20

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions and this lunation affects your solar 6th and 12th houses. The Full Moon brings significant realisations about health, wellness, work, and routines, prompting you to make important changes or new plans and strategies. The days following it may involve some action designed to achieve a long-term aim and adjusting to new information coming to light. Venus Retrograde transit occurs in your sign, affecting your first house of personal appearance and body language. Others may not be seeing you in the most favourable of light, and events may be such that you feel the need to rethink the way you present yourself.


January 21 - February 19

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions and there is often some drama involved with where it occurs in our charts. The Full Moon in your solar axis of 5th and 11th houses is intuitive and creative and affects your investments, friendships, children and romantic relationships. Emotions can be overflowing as you explore your feelings. Friendships need to be scrutinised carefully - get a more objective view of the pattern of your life. Venus Retrograde cycle occurs in your twelfth house. This is a good time to reassess relationships from the past or present that are taking up your time and energy. Take time out from mundane realities of life and recharge your energy. Some of you will retreat and others will take up yoga or meditation.


February 20 - March 20

The Full Moon often heightens our emotions and this falls in your 4th and 10th houses. It seems that the winds of change begin to gather momentum, with the Full Moon putting a strong focus on family and career matters. Besides spending more time tending to domestic affairs, the focus can be on cultivating and nourishing your inner foundations, so to speak. Attending family and domestic affairs and restoring some balance to your life can be a huge satisfaction. Venus Retrograde cycle occurs in your eleventh house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Your friendships or associations with groups may be a little strained during this period.

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