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Sneh Joshi's Horoscopes (Sun Signs) Week beg. 29th March 2021

Writer's picture: Sneh JoshiSneh Joshi


March 21 - April 20

A Full Moon occurred in your partnership sector on the 28 March 2021. Feelings are heightened and they're unceasing. This is a good time to connect with your loved one and some of you will be getting engaged or planning to get married. You are very loving and in a more amorous mood. You have more impact than usual on a personal level especially as you are very charming and appealing to others. People around you take note of what you have to say and are impressed with your innovative ideas.


April 21 - May 21

The last week of the month is an important time when your attention turns to health matters and how to structure and discipline your daily routines. This is heightened, especially around the Full Moon on the 28th. It's an excellent time to seek advice, help, and guidance from people that have your interest to heart. There is a lot of support around you coming from unforeseen or concealed sources. You are looking for answers to questions which have caused you stress in the past.


May 22 - June 21

Full Moon, on the 28th occurs in your solar 5th house, influencing the energies of the last week of March with some social and romantic interactions. A great time to spread your wings and reach out to others. Some of you will take a keen part in the activities of your children. Those of you thinking of making money, this is a good time for partnerships and investments provided you have researched everything before plunging into it.


June 22 - July 22

The Full Moon on the 28th is highly revealing and it's a time for discovering your feelings on settling down as this part of your life needs a lot of attention. It's a good time to understand your needs more clearly and spend more time understanding the needs of those closest to you. You will portray better image and real confidence in your performance towards professional life. Efforts to do well and those in authority will be successful.


July 23 - August 23

Personal magnetism is great, and you're enjoying a nice glow of hopefulness about your life that you haven't felt for some time. The Full Moon on the 28th opens your eyes to the need to express yourself more fully. This is a time for opening your heart, leading to opportunities to heal and resolve problems. You might have a deadline to meet and while it is a hectic

time, it's also a period of discovering feelings that you've kept deep inside you.


August 24 - September 23

The Full Moon on the 28th falls in your financial axis. You recognize that you need to take better care of yourself and your money and you're likely to have a moment of realisation that helps you to put everything in order. There may be a strong focus on others' money, such as the resources of a partner. Your attention turns inward on a deeper level to personal transformations. This transit should be positively dealt with to achieve any benefits.


September 24 - October 23

The Full Moon in your sign on the 28th affects your personal identity, appearance, outward behaviour, and self-expression. Increased energy and a renewed feeling of confidence is with you now, so take advantage of your charisma to achieve your goals. Your popularity is increasing, because of your own ability to cooperate and empathise with people. You might commit to a relationship, and enhance it through invigorating and perhaps non-routine experiences and activities.


October 24 - November 22

The Full Moon on the 28th puts focus on work and health. This lunation reminds you to pay special attention to rest and spiritual nourishment. If you've been overworking, you need to slow down and balance things out. You'll enjoy building skills and improving your daily routines. This is a good time to retreat and regenerate. Some of you will be looking to spiritual enlightenment and take up yoga and meditation. This also heralds a time for research and unfinished behind-the-scenes activities.


November 23 - December 21

The Full Moon on the 28th illuminates your sector of friends, social gatherings and group activities. You will be in constant demand and will be in a position to network with new-found friends who will promote your cause. Personal relationships are also to the fore and some of you might even find true love. This is a time to follow your dreams and ideals. This is an excellent time to apply yourself to artistic pursuits or hobbies, or you might thoroughly enjoy discovering a new passion.


December 22 - January 20

Seeking a balance is helpful, and the Full Moon on the 28th helps you do so. This lunation is a good time to reassess your life and make important decisions to take your work to another level. There is a chance that you will meet important people who will eventually change the course of your life. You are likely to find much joy and pleasure in your family connections and experiences during this period. An open and honest chat with loved ones can promote healthy relationships and solutions to problems.


January 21 - February 19

The Full Moon on the 28th will open doors to a new opportunity. You cannot let go of your future aspirations because they will manifest. Keep to your path and you will be successful. A wind of change may be in the air; attention should turn to the wider world and benefits come from broadening of horizons and mental stimuli. This lunation brings benefits and fresh energy to networking activities, long-term goals and organizations in your life. Achieving your goals tends to come more easily.


February 20 - March 20

On or in the days surrounding the Full Moon on the 28th, there can be new information about finances or a reveal of intimate feelings and psychological matters. It's a powerful time to take an honest look at your needs and vulnerabilities. You have been feeling disconnected for some time and you will finally feel a sense of grounding. If unclear about what path to take you will soon realise exactly what you must do to fulfil your plans. Financially you will implement your plans to bring in the cash.

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